Everything You Need To Know About Dogs At Weddings
Why The Woofer?
Dogs are the best and you should definitely have dogs at your wedding. Ok, so maybe a lot of venues, understandably, don’t allow dogs, but even if you can arrange for someone to bring your woof for a few minutes in the evening, it can be a holy experience.
Worried Woofers
If your venue does allow dogs, know that your woofer may find the ceremony a little bit strange and may not be the settled gem that you know they can be. A solution to this is the wonderful Sue at Pad For Paws who offers a dog chaperone service and can look after your woof during any parts of the day necessary.
Work Your Woofer
They lounge around your house, eat your food and don’t pay rent, so why not put your dog to work on the day? Dogs can make excellent ring bearers, just make sure that there isn’t a sausage factory opposite the wedding venue or it may have to be a haribo ring kinda situation.
Wet Woofers
If you own a dog then you will already know this but dogs + white clothes don’t mix well. If on the off chance you happen to opt for a white dress, you ought to consider the issues that may arise from your pupper.